
I visit/work in one of the buildings in the HyDeploy area, how will it affect me?

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  2. About HyDeploy
  3. I visit/work in one of the buildings in the HyDeploy area, how will it affect me?

If you visit/work in one of the faculty buildings that are part of the Keele HyDeploy area, you shouldn’t notice any difference either before or during a live trial.

Below is an outline of the three phases of HyDeploy:-

Phase 1 (To June 2018)

During this phase there will be safety checks on the gas appliances in homes and buildings in the proposed live trial area. This is to provide the information required by the Health & Safety Executive so they can decide if a live trial can go ahead in 2019; and the specific blend of gas that can be delivered. As with the routine gas safety checks in the buildings, the ones for HyDeploy will be scheduled to minimise disruption.

Phase 2 (July 2018 – Mar 2019)

If the HSE approve the live trial, HyDeploy will move into Phase 2. This phase will be the design and site build of the hydrogen blending unit and some improvements to the gas pipe network on campus.  We will communicate with all affected campus users and residents before works are done.  Wherever possible this work will be coordinated with other estates work on the campus to minimise disruption.

Phase 3 (Apr 2019 – Mar 2020)

Following successful completion of Phase 2, the blend of hydrogen and natural gas will be delivered to homes and buildings in the trial area for 12 months. During this time there will be some spot checks on the performance of gas appliances in buildings. Throughout the live trial, heating and hot water in buildings will continue to be provided as normal.


After Phase 3, the results of the live trial will be analysed and made publicly available.

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