
Frequently Asked Questions

What is HyDeploy

HyDeploy is an energy trial to establish the potential for blending hydrogen, up to 20%, into the normal gas supply...

Why is Keele involved?

Keele University is committed to developing a carbon free future through its innovative Smart Energy Network Demonstrator Project (SEND). The...

What happens in Phase 1?

In Phase 1 (To June 2018) the following activities will take place:- laboratory testing of gas blends; safety checks in...

How is Keele University involved?

Keele University is a project partner for HyDeploy. Keele is:- Hosting the live trial – Part of Keele University’s private...

Who is involved in HyDeploy?

HyDeploy is being delivered by the HyDeploy consortium, which has technical expertise and practical experience. Consortium members: Cadent Gas Limited,...

What role does Ofgem have?

Ofgem (Office of Gas and Electricity Markets) is the energy industry regulator. Its overall role is to protect the interests...