
What role does Ofgem have?

  1. FAQs
  2. About HyDeploy
  3. What role does Ofgem have?

Ofgem (Office of Gas and Electricity Markets) is the energy industry regulator. Its overall role is to protect the interests of existing and future electricity and gas consumers.

HyDeploy has received £6.7m in funding under Ofgem’s Gas Network Innovation Competition. This competition is an annual opportunity for gas network companies to compete for funding to develop and demonstrate new technologies, operating and commercial arrangements for the industry. Funding is provided to the best innovation projects which help all network operators understand what they need to do to provide environmental benefits, cost reductions and security of supply as the UK moves to a low carbon economy.

Annual and final reports will be provided to Ofgem on the progress of HyDeploy.

In its role as regulator, Ofgem will also need to approve the approach used for billing customers during HyDeploy, to ensure their interests are fully protected.

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