
Is electrolysis the best way to produce hydrogen?

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  3. Is electrolysis the best way to produce hydrogen?

There are a number of ways to produce hydrogen.

Electrolysis is the most practical way to produce hydrogen for a project of this size and duration. It avoids the need to store hydrogen on site or build extensive infrastructure.


Producing hydrogen at a larger scale

Efficient large scale hydrogen production is a fast developing area. Ideally, hydrogen production uses renewable energy sources, such as wind or solar power.

Electrolysis connected to renewable energy sources is currently used for the majority of low carbon hydrogen production for commercial use.

Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) is an alternative way of generating hydrogen which could increase in the longer term to support future hydrogen projects. In SMR methane reacts with steam in the presence of a catalyst to produce hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and a small amount of carbon dioxide. To use this method to deliver low carbon hydrogen it would require the use of Carbon Capture and Storage. There are projects in the UK and internationally looking to develop this.

Biohydrogen is a further option. This involves producing hydrogen from certain kinds of biomass, e.g. waste (see BioH2 project – Cadent, Advanced Plasma Power and Progressive Energy).

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