The HyDeploy project has successfully completed a key milestone ahead of go-live at Keele University later this year; testing of the UK’s first ever Hydrogen Grid Entry Unit (HGEU).
This specialist piece of kit, created by Thyson, controls the blend of natural gas and hydrogen before it is injected into the gas network.
Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) of the unit took place in two stages during August; the first was completed at Thyson’s factory, where ‘dry’ simulated tests were performed to functionally test the unit before any gases are introduced. The second phase involved functional and performance testing of the HGEU at Northern Gas Networks’ InTEGReL facility near Gateshead.
Using a blend of hydrogen and natural gas, the process tests key features of control and performance, simulating the real-life operating environment at Keele.
With testing successfully completed, the HyDeploy team gained assurance that the equipment can sufficiently control the blend across a broad range of parameters, and confidence in its operation before commissioning takes place at Keele.
Adam Madgett, HyDeploy Project Manager for NGN said: “This is a significant achievement for the HyDeploy programme and highlights the capabilities of our whole systems research facility InTEGReL.”
Andy Lewis, HyDeploy Project Manager for Cadent added: “HyDeploy is a great example of working with partners across the industry to achieve a common goal – the reduction of CO2 emissions for a cleaner environment.”